GRI Reports Lead cross-functional teams devise, research, write, edit and publish Global Reporting Initiative reports Managed the GRI reporting process twice for a major building products company in US
Websites Write, edit, and publish website content for client websites Designed entire website and content for Fortune 300 client
Integrated Reporting New service as of 2014 New service as of 2014
Certifications Research and lead the certification process for third-party labels/standards Created multi-label comparison of options for global consumer product with recommendation based on cost/benefit analysis
Dashboards Construct and populate management-level metrics summary for the purpose of goal tracking and project management Created Dashboard for environmental and social metrics for Fortune 100 company
Consumer Survey Creation Research and create survey questions designed to extract critical consumer information and data Led survey development for Fortune 300 company
Supplier Survey Responses Develop surveys to extract critical risk-based information from client's supply chain Created supplier survey for Fortune 500 retail company sourcing products from global supply chain
Custom Projects Many of our projects are customized to meet client specific needs Please inquire to
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